September 7, 2006

Boyong Kalegan – Yogya


Next destination is Jogja (my husband hometown). It’s one of my favourite place. There are a lot of memories here. I spent a few years of my life there. It’s been a hard and great years because I got a lot of knowledge and experience that making me stronger to face the future. And the best thing is I met my soulmate there.

There are a lot of great restaurant here. But I’m just visit some of them. So I have to go back to Jogja for many times J One of my favourite restaurant is the place where there is fishing area like Boyong Kalegan for example. It’s nice place because it has beautiful scenery and unique building made from “bamboo”. And u can find healthy food there also. Here u can ride raft, sing a song with the band and feed the fish.

One of my favourite food here is “Gurame” (it’s a kind of fish from fresh water) wheter it is grilled of fried, it’s very very delicious. The taste is salty and crisp, especially for fried “Gurame”, ummm it’s very crunchy. U can eat this “Gurame” with “lalapan”(raw vegetables) and “sambal mentah” or “sambal terasi”(sorry until now I still can’t find the best English word describe it). Unfortunately I forget to take a picture of “Gurame” because I already razzle-dazzle to eat,but I promise u, next time I go there, I will take the picure of “Gurame” (If Boyong Kalegan still there).


Anonymous said...

hahahhaha... ada fotoku, masih kurus hiks :D

justin said...

huahahha.. ada fotoku, masih kurus juga.. (dan sekarang tetep kurus)!! ada jessot hahahahah